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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

FUHSD and Lynbrook’s efforts to collect and honor student feedback were weak and inconsistent, particularly in decisions regarding tutorial placement and school end times.

Editorial: Lack of student input in new schedule design

Epic Staff March 8, 2022

When Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill No. 328 into law, all California high schools were required to adhere to an 8:30 a.m. start time beginning in the 2022-23 school year. FUHSD has considered multiple...

The Bay Area is less accepting of the LGBTQ+ community than it appears, with a large Asian American immigrant community that perpetuates homophobia based in cultural tradition.

Homophobia prevalent in immigrant communities

Mei Corricello, Editor-in-Chief February 1, 2022

California is the face of progressive legislation and leads the national fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Yet the heart of the state, the Bay Area, is less accepting of the LGBTQ+ community than it appears, with...

Many new books have been added to the school’s various literature courses in recent years to diversify and modernize the curriculum.

Students deserve a modern and diverse literature curriculum

Lauren Liu and Lillian Fu February 1, 2022

Earlier this year, sophomores read In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, which follows the lives of four sisters in the Dominican Republic. The addition of Alvarez’s book is one of many recent...

Although the anonymous administrators of school Instagram pages may only intend to provide students with a quick laugh, negative effects such as cyberbullying and harassment can easily arise from these pages.

The humor and harm of school IG pages

Chelsea Lee, Design Editor February 1, 2022

Like many recent internet jokes among teens, the popularity of school Instagram pages originated on TikTok before spreading to high schools all over the U.S, including those within FUHSD. A variety of...

The FUHSD community waits in line for a COVID-19 test at Lynbrook. Testing centers are paid for by the district and have allowed many more to access proper testing.

Editorial: District perseveres through Omicron spike

Epic Staff February 1, 2022

The new year greeted Lynbrook with a surge in COVID-19 cases, reaching an all-time high in the number of infected students and faculty. While FUHSD’s weekly reported case numbers were in the single digits...

Students feel unnecessary pressure when parents create unrealistic expectations for college admissions due to comparisons in WeChat groups.

Comparisons in parent WeChat groups are toxic

Nicole Ge, Staffer February 1, 2022

With college decisions in full swing, parents boasting about their child’s accomplishments have once again taken over WeChat groups created to convey class-specific information to Lynbrook parents. These...

I loved the community that allowed me to connect with my culture in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Being brown in a small white town

Tanika Anbu, Staffer February 1, 2022

My story started in a city North of New York City called Poughkeepsie. The concept of diversity there was so foreign that a local news reporter featured me and my friend for wearing traditional Indian...

Every year, an increasing number of Americans are pulled into the Christmas scheme of spending money on lavish gifts to impress family and friends as they disregard the true meaning behind holiday gift-giving.

Don’t catch the Christmas consumerism craze

Amy Liu, Editor-in-Chief December 7, 2021

The day after Halloween, homogenous marketing greets shoppers in each store: Posters and signs glare at passersby from front windows, holiday music screams in customers’ ears and mountains of Christmas...

There are significant disparities between the number of male and female students present in certain classes, especially in AP-level STEM classes, which feature an average 3-2 ratio of boys to girls.

Editorial: Gender disparities in AP courses influence classroom dynamics

Epic Staff December 7, 2021

Although Lynbrook is widely viewed as an encouraging environment for students to pursue their aspirations regardless of sex, there are still significant disparities between the number of male and female...

Christmas and Navratri both connect us to religion and culture but much more importantly to a familial bonding and goodwill. 

A non-Christian merry Christmas

Sruthi Medepalli, Copy Editor December 7, 2021

Screeching songs about jingle bells, throwing tinsel on trees, hastily wrapping last-minute gifts and baking box double-chocolate brownies for a fat white man and his fat reindeer — while my phony Christmas-infused...

I thought that quitting would reduce my opportunities, but it instead opened me to countless possibilities I never knew existed.

“What else do you have left?”

Jason Shan, Web Editor December 7, 2021

It was a question that my parents had asked and one I had asked myself countless times during the summer before high school. I had quit nearly all my extracurricular activities, so as I entered high school,...

The lack of dividers in boys’ bathrooms is a long unaddressed issue and pressures students to use only the corner urinals and individual stalls.

Dividers between urinals are necessary for privacy

Anirudh Seshadri, Managing Editor December 7, 2021

Long before social distancing became common, it was already happening in boys’ bathrooms. Uncomfortable faces looked furtively to identify the farthest vacant urinal as others quickly tried to finish...