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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Graphic illustration by Chelsea Lee.

Building passions with Manav Choudhary

Crystal Zhu, Opinion Editor March 1, 2024

In front of old polyvinyl chloride pipes and pots of plants, senior Manav Choudhary works on assembling a hydroponic garden — a garden in which plants are able to be replenished by nutrient-rich...

Graphic illustration by Chelsea Lee.

Rediscovering Piano in Philanthropy

Claire Guo, Features Editor February 16, 2024

A grand piano sits in a room. The room is not a concert hall, nor a recital. There is no audience waiting expectantly for the curtain to rise, nor teary parent, nor eager friends. In fact, this is just...

Alumnus Derrick Cai's projects have started to take flight, under collaborative organization Slam Ventures. Their recent creation, Jotbot Ai, can be seen trending through Instagram Reels. Photos used with permission by Derrick Cai.

Alumnus Derrick Cai ventures into entrepreneurship

Sarah Zhang, Staffer February 12, 2024

From selling candy in elementary school to renting out basketball courts as a high school senior to creating an internet-viral artificial intelligence note-taking tool at UC Berkeley, Class of 2022 alumnus...

Mahjong, Yutnori and Loteria are not only sources of entertainment but also reflections of the social dynamics in communities that play them.

Games unlock gateways to culture and tradition

Nicole Ge, Staffer February 12, 2024

Traditional games have a rich history and can offer a unique glimpse into the cultures where they originated. These games are not only sources of entertainment but also reflections of the social dynamics...

Teachers Evyenia Ene, Jane Gilmore, and Erin Levin huddle around their print article, smiling.

Ene, Gilmore and Levin’s article navigates AI

Inaaya Yousuf, Social Media Manager February 12, 2024

Five documents, three laptops, one article. Story and Style teachers Evyenia Ene, Jane Gilmore and Erin Levin typed away to create a piece reflecting their views on artificial intelligence as English teachers....

Kylie Liao and Lillian Yee practice at Lynbrook tennis courts, modeling their hats crafted to accommodate high ponytails. Used with permission from Kylie Liao.

LILIE™ high-ponytail hats create impact beyond fashion

Alexandra Wu, Staffer February 12, 2024

It was finally here: the product junior Kylie Liao and Valley Christian High School student Lillian Yee had been working on for years came to life — sitting right in front of their eyes. Liao and Yee...

Graphic illustration by Chelsea Lee.

Abigail Chen’s Not-So-Par-fect Golf Journey

Meadow Shen, Web Editor February 1, 2024

VIKING CHRONICLES — Growing up, sophomore Abigail Chen would eagerly watch her older sister play golf until she realized that she, too, fell in love with the sport. During those early years, Chen often...

While student teachers’ roles usually evolve through the year as they gradually take on more responsibilities, Lim has been engaged since his start with classroom activities ranging from leading warm-ups to rehearsing songs.

Teaching to learn: exploring the journey of a student teacher

Valerie Shu, Staffer December 11, 2023

Each year, new student teachers step into classrooms across campus to gain hands-on experience with students and learn valuable skills — a critical step in their journey to becoming fully-fledged educators.  Aside...

Their instrument's rhythms and melodies transcend generations, holding culturally rich histories in the strings and beats of their instruments.

Student musicians share cultures and celebrate histories

Apurva Krishnamurthy and Emily Pedroza December 11, 2023

From tabla to tambora, Lynbrook musicians hold different instruments close to their hearts. These rhythms or melodies transcend generations, holding culturally rich histories in the strings and beats of...

Despite the wide range of service projects completed, each of the experiences of Lynbrook Eagle Scouts demonstrates their leadership capacity and unwavering dedication to serve their community.

Eagle scouts soar to new heights through service projects

Nicole Ge and Rohan Kakhandiki December 11, 2023

Eagle Scouts are the highest-ranking position in the Boy Scouts of America organization, a rank attained through years of service and the completion of an independently organized service project. Despite...

Chiu spends about five hours a week blacksmithing at home, carefully crafting his next project.

Junior Ethan Chiu crafts himself a future in blacksmithing

Katie Chin, Copy Editor December 11, 2023

Thin wisps of smoke curl upward to the sky from between the gloved hands of junior Ethan Chiu as he sits behind his blacksmith’s forge in his backyard. The melted point of silver steel, now enveloped...

Graphic illustration by Chelsea Lee

What Jiahe Lu learned through teaching math

Sarah Zhang, Staffer December 1, 2023

VIKING CHRONICLES — Junior Jiahe Lu began teaching classes at Art of Problem Solving, a Santa Clara math academy, after his parents wanted him to find a summer job. Though his expectations were low on...