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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Since entering high school, I’ve always felt like I never have enough time.

Losing myself in the race against time

Emma Constable, Staffer May 26, 2022

Since entering high school, I’ve always felt like I never have enough time. Every day is a race against the clock, with barely enough hours in the day for all my obligations, let alone things I want...

The problem of perfection(ism)

The problem of perfection(ism)

Crystal Qian, Copy Editor May 26, 2022

Perfection. A word that pervades modern society. What do you associate with perfection? Exquisite penmanship, immaculate rooms, straight A’s? Many believe perfectionism is good. I once did too. Today,...

Senior Columns

May 26, 2022

So what do I say? What will I do? Who am I to be?

Hi, I’m Bennie?

Bennie Chang, Editor-in-Chief May 26, 2022

You’ve heard the importance of first impressions, right? That people decide in the first seven seconds if they like you or not. That changing an initial perception is extremely, extremely difficult. So...

Most of all, I remember, through all the papercuts, misaligned holes and empty staplers, my ambition to win the most prestigious accolades.

The beauty and truth in the ordinary

Elliu Huang, Managing Editor May 26, 2022

On my Ikea Billy bookcase rests 61 notebooks and 37 binders. I remember the lazy summer mornings, practicing completing the square from an algebra workbook in one of my many notebooks. I remember the dim...

Sometimes, you just want to feel understood and normal.

So…what is my major?

Sharlene Chen, Design Editor May 26, 2022

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”  “An artist!”  Throughout elementary school, that was my instinctive response. I knew I liked the freedom offered by a blank canvas and the satisfaction...

Every single decision I made was carefully calculated, based solely on what it would contribute to my resume.

Doing things just for fun again

Emma Cionca, Sports Editor May 26, 2022

As a 12-year-old, I would read “How to Write Your College Essay’” prep books. My parents thought it was a good idea to expose me to these ideas, as it was never too early to start preparing for my...

The blessing of vulnerability

The blessing of vulnerability

Mei Corricello, Editor-in-Chief May 26, 2022

“Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experiences“ – Brené Brown  Like many of us, I tend to divide my time at Lynbrook into three distinct periods: the pre-COVID...