Introducing Falcon: our campus cat
Falcon tho cat helps students de-stress during brunch and lunch.
October 2, 2019
An endearing character in the Lynbrook community, Falcon the Lynbrook cat is not the average house pet. From her quiet steps around the art building to the way she blends into the background, a passing visitor may mistake her for a stray. However, individuals on campus such as juniors Ibraheem Qureshi and Autumn Richmond as well as art teacher Charlotte Kruk know her better.
“I feel like she’s a mascot for our campus,” Qureshi said. “She really represents someone that students can destress with.”
Those who may need a chance to take their minds off the demands of everyday life can always turn to Falcon. With the many pressures high school students face, having a friendly animal on campus can be a much needed break.
“Her being on campus is just kind of stress relief,” Richmond said. “She’s probably the most calm cat I’ve ever met.”
Others who have gotten to know Falcon have also noted her gentle demeanor. Her popularity is not limited to students; even teachers appreciate Falcon’s presence on campus.
“I think she should be appreciated as more than just a cat,” Kruk said. “She just has this teenage personality where she wants to hang out on campus and become social. It’s just sort of adorable.”
Qureshi takes Falcon to medical checkups and feeds her nutritious cat food.
“Whenever she’s not feeling well, I take her to the vet, and I check on her every day,” said Qureshi.
Kruk provides a more staff-inclusive point of view. She mentions administration’s past stances on Falcon while talking about her presence at Lynbrook.
“I just think it’s really wonderful that admin is putting up with it because I know at first they were like, ‘Get the cat off campus,’” Kruk said. “But I think they realized more and more that kids really love having her here.”
Although Qureshi cares for Falcon at the moment, he has voiced concerns about who will take up the responsibility after he graduates. He is unsure about whether she will be left on her own or not, but is working with others to find a solution.
“People in the community can feed her, or make her a little bed,” Qureshi said. “But they can also just give her attention when she wants it, and respect her space when she doesn’t.”
Others have also pitched in to help. Another notable figure in her care is Richmond, who has recruited younger students to the cause.
“I’ve brought in a couple of freshmen to take care of her after we graduate because when we do they’ll be sophomores, so hopefully people will continue taking care of her,” Richmond said.
Falcon’s popularity with the Lynbrook staff seems to be rather limited to the art corner of the school, with teachers like Kruk making sure she is well loved and respected.
“I’ve known her for three years now,” Kruk said. “I love seeing her; I go say hi to her every morning.”
Although her future holds some uncertainty, the Lynbrook community is honored to have her here. The fact that we house such a gentle and fluffy companion can make what would have been an ordinary school day so much more appreciated.
Henry Zhang • Jul 12, 2020 at 11:23 am
During the shelter in place and school closing season, is there a plan to take care of Falcon?