From the Star-Spangled Banner at American football games to the red, white and blue decorations at election rallies, Americana has long been a symbol of pride and cultural identity. The aesthetics of American culture were once a way to express freedom, but have become increasingly tied to conservative values, making patriotism, an American value, into a partisan issue. This ties one’s patriotism to their political views which is harmful to the diversity of perspectives that was once valued.
Americana is a complex concept that encompasses the aesthetic of the history and culture of the United States and is used as a tool to promote unity within the American people. By associating Americana’s symbols with politics, it becomes a competition in which political parties can portray themselves as the most patriotic.
“If one person starts wearing the flag on the lapel, everybody’s got to do it,” De Anza College professor of history Michele Bertolone said. “If you don’t, you’re not considered patriotic. It’s almost like an arms race to see who is the most patriotic.”
This has been seen in timeless American symbols. According to Smithsonian, the American dream has narrowed its scope from a fair and democratic nation to the hopes for a traditional family unit and income. This consumerist shift of the American dream shows how patriotism is becoming associated with a single ideal. This sidelines the original meaning for a fair nation.
However, this shift is still occurring through pop culture where Americana has been increasingly utilized. For instance, Lana Del Rey often uses symbols of Americana in her works. In the song, “National Anthem,” Del Rey chooses to include the American flag in her music video. These timeless symbols of Americana not only relate to the song but create Del Rey’s persona. However, Del Rey’s rebranding is synonymous to the fears of her patriotism being associated with a single political perspective. In recent years, she has abandoned her U.S. iconography. In an interview with Pitchfork, the artist has expressed concern on using the American flag in her music videos and concerts out of fear of it being associated with conservative values she doesn’t intend to share. This is a clear example that patriotism isn’t an unbiased value. Patriotic symbols have become controversial among their own citizens due to their ties with politics. In order for Americana to continue being used in pop culture, it cannot be solely associated with one view.
In recent decades, the United States has shifted toward more nationalist policies, blanketed under the slogan “America First.” It is harmful to the spirit of national pride to be associated with any political ideology as patriotism should bring people together. But as Americana and values of patriotism have been used more vigorously by more right-leaning campaigns, it contradicts the inclusive nature of national unity.
“There is a pretty wide range of conservative outlooks and liberal outlooks from the people I used to serve with,” former Naval Flight Officer Chris Saito said. “There is a lot of variety, so I don’t think that there is more patriotism on one side or the other.”
When patriotism becomes a partisan badge, it takes away from the diverse viewpoints that make this country unique. It negates the very value that the United States was founded upon: democracy.
“It is also patriotic to question, to criticize and to challenge, especially in a country that on paper has these very lofty ideals about equality,” Bertolone said.
While conservatism does appeal to some specific demographics, the baseline of patriotism and Americana should be inclusive, whether it be embracing all citizens regardless of their political views or celebrating America.
“It creates this belief that only one voice is allowed to come through when we’re talking about being patriotic or defining what it means to be American,” De Anza College professor of U.S. history Lindsay Bell said. “We know that we are a diverse population that can contribute to a more inclusive model of patriotism.”
The politicization of patriotism has reshaped how Americans choose to identify themselves. Patriotism in America was an expression of pride; however, it slowly began to be identified as a political allegiance. The concept of being patriotic is seen as a political statement, making it difficult to separate genuine patriotism for one’s country or a partisan badge. In today’s world, one must find a way to express patriotism without alienating certain groups or supporting any political mindset.