The Class of 2028 mysteriously stumbled upon the vicious game of Jumanji during their very first homecoming performance on Monday, marking the start of this year’s Homecoming week. Swept by the tides of neverending planters meetings and dance practices, a group of four students was transported into a treacherous world, teeming with monsters and other dangers. Braving many challenges along the way, only the power of the jewel and teamwork could save them.
The students encountered many sights as they traversed the realm of Jumanji. They first stumbled upon girls dance in the form of groovy animals, witnessing a range of acrobatic flips and electric choreography. Up next was boys dance, which delivered a show of tricks, such as midair round-offs. Finally, co-ed dance embodied the energy of the Homecoming dance through a series of tangos and lineup maneuvers.
Eventually, Homecoming was saved when they retrieved the Swan’s Crystal, enabling to escape Jumanji and live happily ever after.
“Participating in the Class of 2028’s Homecoming skit and dance was truly an experience I’ll never forget,” freshman girls dance lead Eileen Chu said. “The adrenaline rush from performing in front of my peers was unbelievable, and I hope we put on a good show for everyone.”
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