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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Junior Irene Hwang offers humorous advice to those without a romantic partner during Valentine's Day.

A single person’s survival guide to Valentine’s Day

Irene Hwang, Staffer March 3, 2025

Dear Irene (the GOAT), Valentine’s Day is coming up, and I don’t have anyone to celebrate it with! All my friends are cuffed up, in talking stages and high-school-married. I’ve been single my...

Choir showcases their yearly Singing Valentines performances to classmates and teachers. Photos by Claire Guo, Lilly Wu and Crystal Zhu. Graphic illustration by Gary Pan.

Revealing the magic behind Lynbrook’s annual singing valentines

Alexandra Wu, Staffer March 3, 2025

It’s a chilly February morning at Lynbrook, but the classrooms are filled with warmth as choir students walk in with cards, flowers, stuffed animals and smiles. They hit their final poses in a choreographed...

Graphic illustration by Yvonne Wu.

What is love?

Susanna Tang, Editor-in-Chief March 5, 2024

the Epic staffer Susanna Tang interviews students to answer the question: “what is love?”

Your breath catches in your chest as your pupils dilate and your face begins to flush red. You’re in love, but why?

How romantic love works, scientifically

Riki Murase and Anushka Anand November 6, 2023

Your heart rate quickens. A tingling shiver of electricity runs down the back of your neck when you see them. As they come closer to you, your stomach flips and a knot forms in your throat. Your breath...

Over the years, our standards for love have transformed along with the changes in our world.

Relationships then vs. now

Anushka Anand and Lilly Wu February 6, 2023

Relationship standards have evolved as humanity has redefined love and the purpose of it. From medieval times to present-day relationships, varying factors have shaped current ideas of what romance should...