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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Women burdened by Trump’s repeal of birth control insurance

Sadhana Sarma, Design Editor November 2, 2017

Birth control — a collection of methods that women use simply to control hormones for more bearable menstrual cycles or to have a sense of security in regard to unplanned pregnancies—has been discredited...

Boy Scouts organization undermined by inclusion of girls

Boy Scouts organization undermined by inclusion of girls

Noela Bae, Content Editor November 2, 2017

Marking a major milestone in the push for gender equality, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced on Oct. 11 that girls would now be allowed to join the program and attain an Eagle Scout rank, the highest...

Students discuss whitewashing in Hollywood

Kelsey Lu, Business/PR Manager November 1, 2017

Asian Americans in Hollywood. You may think that this would be a normal occurrence now because of the advocacy for diversity, but in recent events, the lack of Asian Americans in media has become more...

The undocumenteds' plight in Hurricane Harvey

The undocumenteds’ plight in Hurricane Harvey

Meera Balaji, Public Relations Manager September 28, 2017

On Aug. 25, Hurricane Harvey ravaged the southern coast of Texas, leaving destruction in its wake. The total damages are currently estimated to be around $190 billion, surpassing the cost of both Hurricane...

Microchips invade employee's privacy

Microchips invade employee’s privacy

Jonathan Ye, Writer September 28, 2017

Implanting microchips into humans may seem like far-fetched science-fiction, but on Aug. 1, Wisconsin technology company Three Square Market (32M) made it a reality by injecting microchips into the hands...

Demystifying boarding schools

Demystifying boarding schools

Clara Fernandes, Writer September 28, 2017

Imagine you’re in the most highly reputed religious Catholic boarding school in the nation. You’d probably expect a very strict educational environment that rigorously disciplines its picture-perfect...

Apple's new campus construction disrupts local communities

Apple’s new campus construction disrupts local communities

Patricia Wei, Web Director September 28, 2017

In June 2011, Steve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple Corporation made his last public appearance, presenting his vision for a new Apple Campus to the Cupertino City Council. “I think we...

Editorial: Increased student population initiates on-campus change

Editorial: Increased student population initiates on-campus change

September 28, 2017

With students from both Miller and Hyde Middle Schools, as well as from various other middle schools in the area, this year’s freshman class of 2021, totaling 532, is one of the largest that Lynbrook...

TV shows undermine the gravity of politics

TV shows undermine the gravity of politics

Hatim Saifee, Web Editor September 28, 2017

Picture this: it’s 1 a.m. and you’re cuddling in your blanket with a bag of chips, watching “American Horror Story” on your laptop with the lights dimmed. Your eyes are glued to the screen, expecting...

I broke up a fight

Michyla Lin, Design Editor September 22, 2017

I broke up a fistfight. That is a sentence I thought I would never have to write, but because of the appalling scene I found myself a witness to, I had to make those words a reality. At about 3:15...

Summer Reflections: Lessons learned from a summer of STEM

Summer Reflections: Lessons learned from a summer of STEM

Michelle Lum and Hsin Yen Huang September 22, 2017

STEM summer programs are often considered opportunities for exploration of complex subjects not covered in a traditional high school setting. Students not only grow as budding scientists, but also as people,...

Summer Reflections: Lessons learned in a foreign classroom

Summer Reflections: Lessons learned in a foreign classroom

Chelsea Li, Content Editor September 21, 2017

Four rows of tables, attached to well-worn benches, fill the small room, no bigger than my bedroom. The walls, once light green, are peeled and fading, covered with dirt and vestiges of adhesive tape....