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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The arguments for and against gun control are more complex than they may seem at first glance.

Gun control: A loaded debate

Diana Kohr and Melissa Chen April 21, 2021

Following prominent and devastating mass shootings in Colorado and Georgia in March 2021, the problem of gun violence in the United States once again draws the public’s attention. Unfortunately, these...

Con (less gun control):

Melissa Chen, Writer April 21, 2021

It is difficult to debate gun laws without touching on the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states that: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the...

Pro (more gun control)

Diana Kohr, Web Editor April 21, 2021

Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Schools made infamous as the sites of tragic school shootings. Spurred by these incidents, questions linger in the minds of teachers, parents and students...

I’ve watched those around me and even myself fall for the addicting world of technology, but I’ve come to the realization that by letting myself get consumed by technology I was only neglecting those around me, and ultimately I don’t need technology to build solid, meaningful relationships.

Falling into the clutches of technology

Elizabeth Park, Writer April 15, 2021

I watch as my friend’s eyes grow glazed and distant as I realize that they are no longer listening to me. I hear their empty words as they reassure me that our friendship has not changed. But something...

Community colleges are actually great options for students to consider.

Combatting the community college stigma

Jason Shan, Web Editor April 14, 2021

Community colleges are often viewed as inferior to four-year institutions. At a school that boasts an impressive number of students attending the nation’s top 20 (T20) undergraduate schools, some Lynbrook...

Movies and shows that deliberately portray villains with foreign accents are harmful to children’s perception of diverse cultures.

Dear Disney, stop teaching kids that foreign accents are evil

Emma Constable, Staffer March 17, 2021

There is a rumor that cartoons directed toward children often hide a more sinister motive — brainwashing them to adopt a certain mindset or believe in certain principles so that they can be more easily...

Lynbrook teachers should create curriculum for current events across departments.

Editorial: Teachers should incorporate current events into curriculum

Epic Staff March 17, 2021

Bushfires in Australia rage on. Iranian general Qasem Soleimani killed in a drone strike by the U.S. World Health Organization declares COVID-19 a public health emergency. George Floyd’s death sparks...

The prioritization of profit in Lynbrook STEM culture

Lillian Fu, Design Editor March 17, 2021

Sitting in the heart of Silicon Valley, Lynbrook is an overwhelmingly STEM-based school with a student body that largely goes on to pursue careers in the tech industry. However, the current profitability...

Labeling non-Western cultures as “primitive” not only perpetuates ignorance and disregards the inherent complexity of cultures, but also fosters the idea that there is no room for inclusion of non-Western cultures.

The harmful implications of generalizing cultures

Claire Chiu, Writer March 17, 2021

America is globally known as a multicultural haven. From the Europeans arriving in the 1900s to the wave of Asian immigrants arriving during the technological Gold Rush, America’s success is largely...

Despite its superficial glamour, a UBI is a misguided policy idea with devastating repercussions.

A universal basic income is not a utopian solution

Crystal Qian, Copy Editor March 12, 2021

At first blush, the idea of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) may seem appealing in the abstract. After all, who doesn’t want free money? The premise of a UBI is to guarantee monthly payments to every American...

The r-word is hurtful and offensive toward people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and it should not be part of our vocabulary.

Words matter: Stop using the r-word

Sunny Li, Design Editor March 10, 2021

People using the r-word, which stands for retarded, often do not recognize the harm that they cause by their language. The r-word should be taken more seriously for what it is: hate speech. It is hurtful...

The idea that one man bears the weight and responsibility of an entire company’s success is bizarre.

The myth of Silicon Valley CEOs

Renee Ge, In-Depth Editor February 17, 2021

Rags-to-riches stories loom large over Silicon Valley: the two college dropouts who started a billion-dollar company out of their parents’ garage and the Harvard dropout who built one of the most influential...