Nostalgic memories, since 2010
Shoes dusted with warm sand, Prasav found herself drawn again and again to a bookstore tucked by the edge of La Jolla Shores beach, a cranny where gentle waves could still be heard rolling and the sweet scent of salt tucked itself into the moist air.
“When we first moved here, my family lived in La Jolla, pretty close to the beach, “ Prasav said. “I remember there was a bookstore from the beach and it was covered in seashells. I remember going inside and playing with all of the decorations in there. Because it was in front of the beach, there was like the ocean breeze coming in towards you, it smelled a bit like salt water. I get kind of sad thinking about it because I’m never going to be able to go back to that point in my life where I was so young, and I didn’t really have to worry about anything, but I’m also happy that I got to experience just the simplicity of being able to be a part of the beach, playing with seashells.”
Eyes adjusting to the swathing bright kitchen light, Ceria Motoyama stood beside her blurry mother, aproned, who picked shells from grains of rice and soon after modeled the action. The two pressed the egg firmly against the kitchen counter, then latched their thumbs through the indent.
Soon came a sputtering wok, chopsticks wet with the just-mixed egg mixture and a vibrant blend of vegetables that soon blended to create the perfect breakfast — a recipe she continues to call on today.
“I remember the first time that my mom taught me how to make dàn chǎo fàn,” Motoyama said. “I kept cracking the egg shells into the rice and that wasn’t good, so she demonstrated it for me.”
In a state of pinpoint focus, junior Monesh Ponduri steps up to the batter’s box, fingers knurled around the rubber grip of a bat. In a split second, the tides of the game were turned with the swing of Ponduri’s bat, striking a home run to remember for years to come. Today, Ponduri carries this memory along with his school colors, reminiscing and cherishing every hit.
“My first memory of baseball was when I hit my first home run. I remember seeing the frown on the pitcher’s face, the cheers of my team and my family, and my immense joy.”
Palms perched on a sleek keyboard, junior Kiriti Kotapali forges memories in the form of comedy. During his free time, Kotapali watches humorous skits from comedians like Kevin Hart, Chris Rock, and Dave Chapelle. Memories of laughter have allowed him to cherish the lighthearted moments of his life, despite being segregated behind a screen.
“I’m not exactly a funny person, but watching comedy has allowed me to appreciate things in life that make you smile. It’s not a specific memory, but the whole experience has allowed me to see life through a more cheerful lens.”
Seeking shade from the summer-thickened air, Charlotta Dai and her friends formed circles under tree leaves between the breaks of their summer camp activities: small hands threading clear and colored beads through clear strings, bracelets and lanyards lacing into shape — memorials of both each other and youth — ones they still keep.
“I used to go to summer camps, a lot of different ones,” Dai said. “We’d spend the whole afternoon playing according to our energy, fun activities like making friendship bracelets, lanyards, like so many. When I’m feeling depressed or tired or sad, it’s good to remember those happy times, the feeling of being with my friends.”
Flicking a pen and guiding it along lined paper, junior Galen Han finds solace in his studies while listening to Chinese pop music. Tunes from artists like Jay Chou, G.E.M, and J.J Lin, have provided Han with deep inspiration. Today, Han continually discovers new Chinese music to listen to while exploring hobbies like writing science fiction novels, running and playing video games.
“Chinese music brings me a lot of nostalgia. In my time here, I have learned a lot of culture from America. However, I look back and listen to music.”